Do I even have to say I was wrong again? When I finally got back, eleven months later, you came and talked to me. You gave me your phone number and asked me to call so we could go out. I remember thinking 'hell no, I'm so over this boy'. And so I ignored you for a month. When you finally bugged the crap out of me asking for my phone number I decided to call you, just to see what it would be like to go out with you. We went to the movies. I noticed how changed you were. I liked you better that way. We finally hooked up then, and it was great. I felt so freaking stupid for starting liking you again.
You called me on the next day and we just stated seeing each other frequently. I started to like you more and more and even though there were times when I wanted to kill you and times when I tried to do something to hurt you (even though I don't even think you know about those times) I know that was just my akward way of falling for you.
And that's why I can't answer the question 'what's your idea of a perfect first date'. Because we've had so many of those. We've met and falled apart and met again and fought and moved on and got back together. And every single time I saw you after one of those 'this is it' moments was special. As it is every single time I'm with you. And part of the reason for that is because it took us so long to finally be together. It took me so long to surrender to the feeling I have for you. It still takes me effort to not be scared of loving you. 'Cause I do. And a whole, whole lot.